Aeon Spirit - Events and Seminars

The International Thelemic Symposium






1 Day

Extra Info

This Autumn Equinox, Oxford will host some of the finest speakers in Europe to give their experiences of Thelemic Magick.

The packed schedule will include six lectures in paired blocs with Q&A sessions, giving you ample time to learn from the speakers.

Intensive workshops will give in-depth, hands-on experience of Thelemic magical techniques and how to improve your practice.

The Symposium will conclude with the performance of a public ritual and entertainment in the evening.

Aeon author Alan Chapman will be delivering a talk on 'The Crown of it all: A New Understanding of the Holy Guardian Angel'. He will discuss his experience of working with his Angel for 20 years, including methods, visions, prophecies and mystical experiences, including a complete conception of the Angel required to account for all of the details.

Aeon Books will also have a stand at this event, so come along and say hello!

Organised By

The Oxford Golden Dawn Occult Society and The Visible College

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