Foundations of Practical Magic

An Introduction to Qabalistic, Magical and Meditative Techniques

By (author) Israel Regardie

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Book Details

  • Publisher : Aeon Books
  • Published : December 2004
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 160
  • Size : 152mm(w) x 229mm(h)
  • Catalogue No : 24547
  • ISBN 13 : 9781904658115
  • ISBN 10 : 1904658113
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A guide to occult techniques comprising a selection of essays exploring the potential of magic within ourselves.

These essays, now revised and brought together, represent the fruit of a lifetime's study and experience of occult techniques. The emphasis throughout is on practical methods of releasing the vast inner potential on which magic depends, with the aim of finding 'the jewel of a new life' - a life full of creative possibilities based on a radical renewal of consciousness.

About the author

By (author) Israel Regardie

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