Occult studies

Showing 1 to 21 (of 21)

The Magical Tarot of the Golden Dawn Deck

Pat Zalewski

£29.99 (Unknown)

The Occult Philosophy Workbook

John Michael Greer

£19.99 (PB), £9.99 (eBook)

The Tree of Life and Death

Ian Rees

£24.99 (PB), £16.66 (eBook)

The City of Hermes

John Michael Greer

£22.50 (PB), £13.33 (eBook)

Ceremonial Magic

Israel Regardie

£17.99 (PB), £10.83 (eBook), £10.83 (eBook)

Magick Without Tears

Aleister Crowley

£50.00 (HB)

The Way of the Secret Temple

John Michael Greer

£30.00 (HB)

The Way of the Secret Temple

John Michael Greer

£19.99 (PB)

Portals into Deep Imagination

Michael Wilson

£19.99 (PB), £10.00 (eBook)

The Solar Way

Nina Rudnikova

£45.00 (HB), £22.50 (eBook)

Tarot for Sceptics

Ari Freeman

£19.99 (PB)

The Earth Mysteries Workbook

John Michael Greer

£30.00 (HB)

The Philosophy and Practice of Polarity Magic

John Michael Greer

£19.99 (PB), £10.00 (eBook)

The Way of Deep Magick

Ian Rees

£22.50 (PB), £12.50 (eBook)

The Earth Mysteries Workbook

John Michael Greer

£19.99 (PB), £10.00 (eBook)

The Baptist's Head Compendium

Alan Chapman

£65.00 (HB), £30.00 (eBook)

The Way of the Four Elements

John Michael Greer

£19.99 (PB), £10.99 (eBook)

The Secret of the Five Rites

John Michael Greer

£17.99 (PB), £8.50 (eBook)

Pragmatic Magical Thinking

Ari Freeman

£22.50 (PB), £9.99 (eBook)

A Commentary on 'The Cosmic Doctrine'

John Michael Greer

£22.50 (PB), £11.25 (eBook)

A World Full of Gods

John Michael Greer

£22.50 (PB), £11.25 (eBook)

Showing 1 to 21 (of 21)